Yesterday's Dreams

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Horsefeathers art & soul Aug 25

Well, today brought hints of fall to my shoulders, a shiver nudged his cold nose against my skin as I sipped coffee on my patio. Felt good, felt alive. I smiled when the sun snuggled against my back and my little dog dozed at my feet. I just returned from a two-day watercolor workshop on portraits, it held fun, new tips and new friends. Sure hope I can get this stuff, did I say stuff, I meant STUFF organized in my studio. Paints, brushes, papers, more papers, all need to find a home. I think I will go to town and buy a couple set of tall shelves! yes..I'm off. Back to paint note cards soon and check on my one-person art exhibit in Clovis. It's been there a couple months so I will bring them home next week & get my gallery ready for the Art Walk 1st Friday in Sept.
Suzy, thank you for telling me about this blog spot!